My Pages

Tuesday, October 25, 2011



That's the first word that I shouted when I heard this news..
There's someone who like me... -____-
GOSH!! He's nice, yes he's my friend... but...
Hhhh... I think it's actually because I'm afraid that he will say 'I Love You' and I don't know how to say "No I'm sorry I can't..." Because I like somebody else...
He's my friend, and I don't want to hurt him...
But I also don't want to hurt his pride...
I'm going to be crazy... -______-


Can I have some advances?
Thank you~


  1. Do you know? If that ''someone'' read this, I'm sure that you will hurt him. Besides, that's only a news, isn't it? Maybe it's no true after all.

  2. Unfortunately or fortunately he already said that to me. Right away... -_- but he didn't asked me to be his Girlfriend or what... That's a relief.. For me.

  3. How come is that a relief? Is that ''someone'' is very ugly that you hate that ''someone'' so much?

  4. Nope... It's not because of he's ugly or what..
    I do "like" him but as a friend. Who said that I hate him? Read the post clearly please.
    And I have someone else that I love...
    Yea, he knows that. So if he say "Would you like to be my gf?" And then if I say "yes." I'♍ lying to my own self. I know that he'll be happy, but I'll be playing with his feeling. If I said "no" it'll be bad because it'll gonna be awkward. It'll gonna be different between us... Don't you understand? I told this thing to his own best friend and his best friend said that his choice to not confess to me is the best. His friend told me that it's better for me to say no than playing with his feeling. Do you understand now, nobody?

  5. thx udh ksh tau perasaan lw yg sbrnya MAMI. Gw jdi ngerti langkah ap yg hrs gw ambil. Lgian gw msh kecil. Gw blom siap utk hal yg gtuan(tapi gw dah bkan bocah). Skrg, jgn ngerasa g enak sma gw. Kta jdi tmn aja y.

  6. Gw sih udh tw itu org yg kenal gw. -_-
    Dan gw sih udh tw klo lu baca blog gw yg ini, jgn nanya dr siapa...
    Dan panda, GW GA PERNAH merasa ga enak sama lu. -_-
    Makanya gw blg gw lbh lega wkt lu g minta gw jd cewe lu ato bla bla bla.
    Emg kpn kt ga temenan? Emg kt temenan kok. -_- ngapain lg lu baca post2 gw yg galauiun temen sekelas gw? ªKªªKªªKª
    Siapa yg blg lu udh gede? Di mata gw lu msh bocah -_-
    Krn gw blh tua dr lu wuahahahahahahah! Cpt offline BELAJAR SANA! (̾˘̶̀̾ ̯˘̶́̾ ̾̾'̾̾)̾

  7. bzzzztttt. Sok bijak deh! Pdhal gw dgr dri raphael klo lw g enak ngomong ma gw. Pake blg gw kbr klo ad lw pula. Pdhal lw ug kbr.

  8. Gw ga kabur tau! Seinget gw serasa gw gw ga pernah kabur.. Lu yg kabur! Wkt diiiiii 9-4! Di montesque! Yh gmn gw mw enak ngomong ama lu? Gw g pny apapun buat di omongin ama lu? -_- bzzzz

  9. Inget yah, gw emg bijak mwahahahahaha!
    Ayo panda comment yg banyak biar blog gw makin eksis! Mwahahahah

  10. yaudah. Tpi g usah blg gw yg kbr... Sampe bu endah intrograsi gw sepanjang ulangan.

  11. Yah, gw kn cm mengatakan kenyataan yang gw liat. Yh maap, abis lu pasang di grup -_- yah bu endah tau lah...

  12. JP....-_- stop that word. -_- I'm not that cute (۳˚Д˚)۳
